Saturday, May 12, 2012


Reading is a skill as important as the other three ones (Listening-Speaking-Writing). It is necessary that pupils work on it in order to get a larger development of the communicative competence in the foreign language.

When reading students have the chance to enlarge and practise their vocabulary since it helps by giving them a sort of unknown words that they might get to manage and so to keep on improving their knowledge.

In addition, the understanding of grammar structures during the reading makes students start getting used to it, so it becomes easier for them the comprehension of texts even written or oral. So, for you to have a better fluency when speaking, try to develop all of the skills you need to do so.

You can start practising Reading...

Here is a website which has a lot of reading and interesting texts that you may like...

I hope you can find something interesting for you... Remember the clue is practising!!!

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