Sunday, May 6, 2012

Improving my Communicative Skills

When learning any language we have to keep in mind that what's going to make you improve your skills is PRAXIS. It is only when we put in practise and use in our own context what we have learnt that we will be able to speak that language fluently. This has to do with our own necessity to employ what we need for our daily living.

In addition, putting in practise our knowledge helps us develop the abilities that are required to manage the language in a better way, that's why my invitation is for you to take time to study a bit harder in order to improve everyday. I'm pretty sure that if you work a little bit harder you will get the results you would like to.

In my wish to help you with that purpose here you are some links that you can use to practise your skills.

Do your best every time when you are studying!!!

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